Monday, October 18, 2004


If Fahrenheit 9/11 wasn't bad enough, it just got worse. Just found out today of Celsius 41.11, and all I got to say is that I agree with this guy.

The one thing I did like about Zell Miller's speech is that there was a time when politicians put their differences aside for the greater good of a nation. That is no longer the case. Look at the user ratings for this movie.

As of typing this, 51 voted ten, 34 voted one, and 3 others inbetween, an arithmetic mean or 6.4. So how their weighted average comes out to be 2.1 is beyond me, or if they have even seen it. Doesn't matter. As long as this hatred continues to grow, there can only be one result. "A house divided by itself cannot stand." I didn't bother to see F-9/11. I am now open to see it if I can also watch C-41.11 beside it. If I can keep my sanity! I see no difference between the two so far even though they say opposite things.

Here is a debate on the IMDB forums.

The only thing the Republicans and the Democrats had succeeded in doing for this voter is making me want to vote libertarian all the more. And their candidate, Badnarik, was arrested!

>*sigh*< I am sick of politics.


At 10:01 AM, Blogger b... said...

Mamma mia, I am my own favourite procrastinator! Can you believe I still didn't post that book? :'( ... Am I the busiest person on the world? I don't think so :P ... so why do I have no free time at all? I'll go nuts someday, I know :). Meanwhile, I keep reading your blog... and decided to start my own one ;). In Spanish I guess... *-)


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