Monday, April 04, 2005

I thought this was supposed to be a blind date!

I started out the day doing what I usually do: answering my e-mails. I had a little lag the last two weeks, but I didn't mind since I was in process of changing jobs. So the letters were a welcome, although they all had one thing in common. This blind date. After cleaning my car up, my newest one sent me yet another e-mail, asking if it is okay if she calls me. She lived inside the USA, so I didn't mind and left my number to her; she is a married Wisconsin woman, 30s.

Right after this, I left to scout out where Diana's house (she is the matchmaker) is so I will know where to go when the time comes. Then I went to Wallmart and answered a voicemail from my Wisconsin e-pal. She didn't really seemed to have much to say. Guess she was just curious what was going to happen and to wish me luck.

My plan is to call Erica, my B.D., at 3. Almost all of the movies that are on falls between 4 and 5. That should leave some time to talk. Then I will do what I rather do, just go to a restaurant and actually get to know her and vice versa. I wonder if Erica REALLY does want to see a movie or if it was Diana _____ herself onto Erica. (Can't think of the word. When Person A gives one of his traits to Person B, who in reality doesn't have that trait)

Right now I am leaning towards "Guess Who". Most of the other movies are CRAP, and the only one that isn't is an R-rated film noir film who got a 8 point something rating on IMDB (Sin City), and The Ring 2 has an element that offends me although I really enjoy the original. All of the other movies had 5 point something ratings except Robots which was 6 point something.

It is now 2:35. Bathroom then call then God-knows-what.


Well, I just called her. She said she had to go home to get dressed and will be back at Diana's house at 5. AUGH!!! That means we will miss the ideal time for the movie!

Please say a meal by itself will be all right! Lets see... the next time that movie is on is 7:20. Bah! I'll call Diana at 4:30. I wonder if this is common for two people each going on their first date ever. *hmph* Couldn't set a time when we decided to do this till now since scheduled times change.


Something occurred to me while I am sorting yesterday's laundry I washed. You know the stereotype that women want to make sure they look good while men say, "Who @#$%^&* cares! You look good as you are!" Yep. True! To my e-pals who are both thinkers and women themselves... is this true for you all too?

I wish she had an e-addy.


I called Diana at 4:30 a moment ago just to talk and to get some exchange with her while waiting and guess what? She gave me to Erica. AUGH! KNOCK ME OUT NOW!!! PLEASE!!!!! I thought Erica said she herself was getting her clothes, not someone getting it for her! Here I was hoping to talk just to Diana without Erica listening in. Bah!

(too many explanation points, I know)

[Brian walks around in circles and comes back]

4:50. This is killing me. Erica said she will call at 5. That means I won't see her till, maybe, 5:15. I'm crying now. ... ... ... 4:55... still crying... ... ... Hmm, we can cuddle in the theater but not in a restaurant. Just an observation! ... ... ... Of course I RATHER cuddle while watching a DVD! ... ... ... parents might not allow it though... ... ... 4:59... ... ... FIVE!!!

Can't go online. Wonder if anything is good on TV. Hopefully a good Poirot movie on Biography. I think I'll give her till six. Hey, that is a full hour! Then, if no call, I'll go online and blog this and maybe I'll call/IM my Wisconsin e-pal.

... ... ... 5:10! I just *WUV* being stood up! ... ... ... Just thought of something else. Since Diana doesn't know how I act around women nor know how I pick and choose potential mates, she may not know how easy it is for me to 'cut myself off emotionally' from someone who I decide to be incompatible. Never experienced an actual romantic form of love... ... ... 5:20. I think I am going to leave now to walk in circles again.


SIX! Typing this out while I am dialing online. Yo, Spaniard! I am still in the singles club!

... ... ...

OH CRAP! Blogger isn't working! *sigh* Guess I'll e-mail this and then blog it latter.


ADDENDUM: Just got word from mom on what happened. Erica came by when Diana's family was going to pick her up. She fell asleep! Oh, and she smokes! Oh! And her father pregnanted two different women and married to neither!!!

Can you say run?!?


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