Saturday, June 25, 2005

Is the Great Mid-East War right around the corner?

As most of my e-pals know, I have an interest in the possible war that may happen in the middle east involving Israel and its neighbors. It isn't so personal for me like it is with my Jewish and Muslim friends. For me, it is a test to Christian prophecy. Found this:

Israel has reportedly expressed its belief to Washington that Iran and several of its Arab allies are preparing for a full-scale war against the Jewish state, possibly following the expected United States withdrawal from Iraq in 2006.

Unnamed U.S. officials told Middle East Newsline this week that according to Israeli assessments, the departure of most American forces from the region would lead to increased tensions and provide an atmosphere ripe for an escalation of violence.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "has relayed repeated messages to the administration that Iran and its Arab allies are preparing for war," one official said. Sharon reportedly raised the issue with President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney during his recent visit to the U.S., telling the Americans that an Iran emboldened with the acquisition of nuclear weapons would seek to form a regional alliance against Israel.

Israeli military intelligence reported earlier in the month that the Lebanese terrorist organization Hizbullah is already planning a major offensive along Israel's northern border, likely at the behest of Tehran.

But Washington has been largely dismissive of Israel's assessments of Iran's nuclear program and, therefore, the presence of any serious threat in the near future.

"Our intelligence community has used in the past an estimate that said that Iran was not likely to acquire a nuclear weapon before the beginning of the next decade," state department spokesman Richard Boucher said on April 13. "That remains the case."

Americans' top priority in the region at this time, officials said, was to ensure Israel's withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria and the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state on the Jews' biblical heartland.

The birth of Palestine, the Bush administration continues to insist, would effectively put an end to regional animosity towards Israel.

"If you resolve the Israeli-Palestinian issue, you've resolved the problem with extremism," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. The Jewish state, however, suffered three full-scale, Arab-initiated wars and countless terrorism attacks during the 19 years prior to taking control of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza in 1967.


The threat - real, imagined, or threaten - of Iran's nuke program isn't new. Israel destroyed one plant in Iraq that she believed was nuclear, and can do the same in Iran. But one of the things that gets me is this: "But Washington has been largely dismissive of Israel's assessments of Iran's nuclear program and, therefore, the presence of any serious threat in the near future." Then what in the heck have we been hearing for these past several months?!?

Then there is this: "The birth of Palestine, the Bush administration continues to insist, would effectively put an end to regional animosity towards Israel." Here is why I support the one state solution. If the Jews and Palestinians are divided in two, what can stop Israel then from just crushing the whole region allocated for them? Likewise, with the Palestinians removed from Israel, what can stop the Arab states from doing the same to Israel? It increased the chance of war, not decrease it! The extermination of the Palestinians are mentioned in the Bible as decendants of Esau. See Obadiah 15-18.

What I really want to know is the chance of an alliance between Russia and Iran. As I mention, my interest has to do with prophecy, and one of them had Magog (Russia) and Persia (Iran) attacking Israel, as the first strike in Armageddon. That isn't a battle, please note, but a full blown campaign. Anyway, the two have already signed a nuclear deal.

Second, Damascus. The problems Syria is having recently with Lebanon may just the beginning. As our Bible says, "Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." [Isaiah 17:1] Again, Russia is already involved with Syria.

Third, the possibility of the Ark being reviled, which is already underway!, along with the Third Temple

Forth, a road for the Chinese into the Mideast. It is called "The Silk Road". Here is some historical information, and here is more recent information. Note the last line: "China is negotiating with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan on road construction and planning to build a road linking China with Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran."

Now add Malachy's Prophecy - which, granted, is Catholic (I'm not) - and you may understand why I am sooooo into this right now! Typing this all up for easy reverence to see what may come by. Wait and see....


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