So little time....
I compiled this list when someone said I recently meet said, "I think seemingly there are too many [classics] but that's because people refuse to refine their taste for anything, literature, film, etc." That lead me to compile this ridiculous list of books I have and either haven't finished... or even started! And its not even complete! That will be just way, way, way too long and there is enough dust on my two bookshelves to do that. Ask for a pic... hope still got it. So these are just the ones I want to mention. They do not include anthologies (Lovecraft, Asimov) or major tomes like The Bible and The Koran, which I DO have. Found a lot of misquotes of The Koran. Going to include the genre/subject in parenthesis and those with a '*' I highly recommend.
The Art of Rhetoric (Aristotle)
Calculating God (sci-fi novel for the gnostically inclined)
Competitive Strategy (biz)
Cryptonomican (novel about crypography)
Diplomacy (political history by Kissinger)
Dracula (horror classic... chapter 4 GREAT, chapter 5 BORING)
Don Quixote (Spanish classic)
The Elegant Universe (String theory) *
Faith and Freedom (Luther)
Frankenstine (horror classic)
Gödel, Escher, Bach (little of every abstract subject you can think of!) *
The Hero with a Thousand Faces (mythology, The Hero's Journey)
The Hidden Book (short mystery novel set in Transavania)
The Midnight Disease (writing, neurology, psychology disorders) *
Nicomachen Ethics (Aristotle... wonder how this INTP brainiac stayed sane)
A Sideways Look at Time (philosophy, musings)
Sun Tzu's The Art of War (war philosophy)
The Two Americas (politics)
The Urantia Book (don't ask!)
The last two Hitchhiker novels (got all 5 in one book)
Haven't Started
Ethics of Liberty (Libertarian philosophy)
Kama Sutra (whatever your doing, STOP IT! Electronic, require formatting)
Paradise Lost (classic)
Phantom of the Opera (classic)
Tale of Two Cities (classic)
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