Monday, September 12, 2005

On Katrina...

First of all, I am *sick* of all the finger pointing and blaming. DO WHAT RELIEF YOU CAN *THEN* CHEW EACH OTHER OUT!!! Yesh. Anyway, here is a few things you haven't heard.

1) Here is a computer run simulation of a hurricane hitting New Orleans. I ask again, why not spend 200 million to protect the city instead of billions for relief efforts?

Another thing that concerns me. When the worst part of the storm passed, Louisiana sighed with relief. Then nearly a day later - 21 hours - the levees broke. I wonder if they can examine why then. Yes... thinking sabotage.

2) Scott Stevens is an NBC weatherman collecting data that weather control technology already exists. Here is something he said about Ophelia, and his main website.

3) And on the same idea, this. What is interesting is that Opehlia has the same name as this project and the newest hurricane!


As a side note, I was trying to find more hardcore evidence to what this conspiracy nuts are saying, using the book I got on how lies becomes news. What you are about to do should blow your freaking mind. I will show that this is legit by asking you to go directly to the Senate website.

Now, click Senators, find Senator Hutchison's name and choose it, which takes you to her website, look down toward the left and find the link 'Legislation' under 'LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES', click the first link for 109th Congress (Legislation Sponsored by Senator Hutchison), and do a page search for 'S.517'. As of typing this, it is item #10. Click S.517.

Bill title: "A bill to establish a Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes."

Amazing what isn't reported in the news.


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