Tuesday, November 02, 2004


12:00 ~ I am starting this shortly after 12 noon and already there is several new develpments besides the 15,000 ghost votes in Pennsylvania (see next older post)

  • Minnesota: move-on.org handing out leaflets within 100 feet from a polling place, illegal
  • Wisconsin: tiers slashed on Republican vehicles meant to bring people to the polls
  • Ohio: Lawsuit filled by voter saying she couldn't vote - Sarah White.
  • Florida: Someone is calling saying your precinct changed

I am going to continue adding junk till who-knows-when. I am planning to record Fox News and MSNBC tonight and compare coverage.

1:00 / 2:00 ~

  • Pennsylvania: Green party voter BROKE one of the machines and ran away before she was caught.
  • South Dakota: Senator Dashel filed lawsuit saying Republicans were writing down Native American's licence plates.
  • Arizona: Bomb threat, polling place moved from a school to a church.
  • SPACE!: Astronaut voted by e-mail. First time e-vote happened.
  • Wisconsin: Republican headquarters vandalized overnight

3:00 ~

Things are slowing down, repeating what's above. A few other things. Dish Network customers who have the latest console (not me... *sniff*) can watch 6 news stations at once! Fox News, the 'Republican' news station, had its latest poll predicting a Kerry win! The Laci Peterson trial is going on today (?!) and the Chief Justice hasn't covered from his thyroid surgery apparently.

I am going to take a break! More later!


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