Monday, November 08, 2004

Rubik's Cube #3: Other Stuff

The solution I shown you in part 2 is what I considered the Standard Solution. I read it when I was a young child from a small booklet, written by James Nourse. Later I made a document similar to these three parts and this is a revision of what I wrote so long ago.

There is another solution which is far more advanced and, in my opinion, less efficient. However it has a lot of mathematical insight. I checked it out of my local library I don't know how many years ago after mastering Nourse's solution. According to my ancient notes, it is called The American Version. I don't know if that is what I call it or what they call it. Guess I should check it back out, yes? Here is one thing it has:

Orientate Option:  L+  B2  L-  F-  B2  F+

Reverse: F- B2 F+ L+ B2 L-

On a solved cube, do the Orientate Option, then move the T face (+, -, or 2), then Reverse. Put the T face back in position. This will orientate two 2 corner cubes without moving any of the other cubes. You can use this in Step 4 if you wish.

Also there is this sequence that is helpful in Step 5 that is easy and interesting.

3 Edges Transfer:  (L- R+)  F2  (L+ R-)  B2

If you use this on a solved cube, you'll notice the FT, FB, and BP edge cubes all move clockwise when viewed from the R face; counter-clockwise when viewed from the L face. Reverse it to move them the other direction. VERY helpful if you misplace an edge cube on the T face!

If you combine that simple move with the American Version's concept of doing a sequence - move - reverse sequence, and you can move edge cubes all over the place! Reverse 3 Edge Transfer to return to your solved cube. Now lets say you want to move the TL, BL, and FR edges. To do this, think how to move those edges to FT, FB, and BP. My solution: B- F+ T- which moves the BL to BP, FR to FB, and TL to FT. (Note: it is useful to write it down and the T and F face colors! Very easy to boo-boo!) Do the 3 Edges Transfer and reverse my solution: T+ F- B+ and the result should be pretty!

Another idea. Do an L2, Step 5 position, make the R face the F face (which you do in Step 5 with the Best pattern), Step 5 Orientate, then a P2 (which reverse your earlier L2). Do this to another person's solved cube - who don't know how to solve it - and run away shrieking in laughter!

The 3 Edges Transfer is also useful when solving the "4th Dimension" edition of the Cube. This has four symbols that has to be orientated correctly to be solved. Heck, that's easy! Make the two faces without the symbols as the T and B faces. To do a half turn, do the 3 Edges Transfer three times. To do a clockwise turn, make it an F+ and B- instead of the F2 and B2; counter-clockwise, use a F- and a B+. This has to be done a total of FIVE times. Not good time wise, but it works.

Have fun!


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