Sunday, December 11, 2005

My take of LWW

First of all, I usually remember the trailers. Many I do because they are sequals are movies I already know about: Ice Age 2, Pirates of the Caribian sequal, and Pixar's Cars. There was one that wasn't but I don't remember squat what it was. I blame this movie.

While I consider the last LotR movies the most violent PG-13 movie ever, I also consider this film the most violent PG movie ever. First it is a fantasy film and then a family film. Note I didn't say children film. IT IS NOT! Thirdly... its a war film. Yes, you heard me correctly! No, I don't mean the war between Narnia, Harry Potter, and LotR fans!!! In fact, the first scene is a Nazi bombing run in England. As the previews show, there is a major sword & magic battle scene which includes: gryphans 'bombing' the witch's soldiers with large bolders, a Pheonix burning them, and the witch turning several creatures into stone. No blood, no gore. Just numerious instances of animals and beasts hurting and killing others on screen.

The other highly talked about aspect about this film is its Christian symbolism. This is NOT a Christian film. It IS inspired by Christianity. It is enjoyable even if you don't know or ignorant of Christianity, but I do think those familiar with Christianity will get more out of it. The 4 children - a teenage boy and girl and a preteen boy and girl - are called 'sons of Adam' and 'daughters of Eve' in a land where humans are mythical creatures. The Lion Aslan is modled after Jesus Christ. To explain how will be a major spoiler. I will say this though: he is murdered for a reason similar to Christ's motivation to die accoding to Christian beliefs. For those of us we seen a few R rated films, it isn't a problem Kids though... yikes!

Yes, I am saying perhaps too many warnings about the violence found in this film. According to IMDB posters who read the other books, they can't see how they can avoid an R rating with them! (Note: I have not read any of them so I can't say) I give it more of a PG-10. Strange because the first 45 minutes is rated G easy. Some say boring. I don't think so. I like it more than the first act of Fellowship of the Ring.

Other odds and ends: Santa plays a cameo. (!!!) Little too much 'deus ex machina' for my tastes though. Of course some of my favorite stories have main characters being killed off so perhaps I am picky. The music was fantastic and sounds very Celtic-ish. There was clapping when it ends. Speaking of which, stay for just 30 or so seconds through the credits. The theater was crowded so most seen the epilogue. Kinda hints of a sequal without really stating so.

3 ½ / 4 stars


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