Thursday, February 24, 2005

I postponed this since I had bigger things to do. I just added a website counter to my website. I *think* you can see it as a guest with this link.

I set it to not read me as a hit, so there is no way for me, personally, to test it untill I get on another computer or hear from one of my e-pals. So if your reading this now, come on, I need some stats!

(Thanks Brise)

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bush's secret tapes

Just learned that this friend of Bush, Doug Wead, secretly recorded him at various times during his first presidential run. Here is one article I found on it.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Patrigia Times 1

The Patrigia Times 1

On this day, the great and fictional country of Patrigia was born in the Pacific and later moved to North America. During its founding, the UN gave the following description of our country.

UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Strong
Political Freedoms: Excellent

The Republic of Patrigia is a tiny, socially progressive nation, notable for its burgeoning cat population. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The large government is mainly concerned with Religion & Spirituality, although Healthcare and Social Welfare are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 19%. A robust private sector is led by the Pizza Delivery, Gambling, and Retail industries.

Crime is a problem. Patrigia's national animal is the cat and its currency is the Lipi.

Also, our great and noble leader, Patricio, will now have to answer an issue every weekday. Thanks to a source only known as 'Deep Nostril', the following memo was leaked.

Today's Issue: Should Democracy be Compulsory?

In response to a slow news week, certain highbrow newspapers have stirred up the debate over voluntary vs compulsory voting.

The Debate

"Compulsory voting makes about as much as sense as having the death penalty for attempted suicide," says civil rights activist Sue-Ann Barry. "You can't force people to be free! You can only give them the choice. Besides, if all those derelicts who can't be bothered to get off their ass once every few years voted, who would they elect? I shudder to think."

"It's not contradictory at all," argues political commentator Clint King. "The fact is, if not everyone votes, the outcome isn't truly representative. Some groups--like elderly gun nuts--vote more often than others. That's why always we always end up with such terrible politicians."

"This raises an interesting issue," says Freddy Johnson, your brother. "And that is: why do we need elections, anyway? Seems to me it would be much simpler if you just decided what was right, and did it. Wouldn't that save everyone a lot of time?"

The Government Position

The government has indicated its intention to follow the recommendations of Option 1.

Rule your own country!

So one of my e-pals decided to make her own Principality. Not wanting to be left out, I went there and created my own country, The Republic of Patrigia! Don't want to be in the North Pacific though. Thought perhaps I can create our own region... if enough of my e-pals do this... but there is alread several thousand regions! I declaired my nation Libertarian, so I am scared silly of our 19% tax rate! Should be 0%!!! I also had to decided if voting should be compulsory, voluntary, or just say heck with it and don't do it at all. I kept it voluntary.

Edit: Just move to North America, for now, and sent a diplomatic letter to that one e-pal.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Two Things

Oh what I do for my unseen friends. Went out to snail mail several books, made sure I had everything before I left my car (read: don't do this, because...) and when I got back I found my keys still in the ignition. Took me hour and 15 minutes to get back home. What is the walking speed of humans? I wonder how far that was.

Anyway, my real reason for posting is some changes in policy since I got a new website. Because I now have some of my longer posts over there now, and well be uploading more, there will be no more lengthy posts. Just some small thoughts and such along with major life events. My updates on my website will be just on the website, nothing more, with life events being mentioned only if it may effect the website. Geocities had no TOS before signing up, so I don't know what is or isn't allowed. I like to upload a few things but may be against any TOS they have. (Thinking about anything emulator related, even though I won't have any ROMs are such on it)

Going to do some more uploading tonight. Thinking of doing my music and spoilers. If anyone can link me, I'll appreciate it.