Thursday, February 24, 2011

Minecraft seed: PatricioINTP

Normally when I play Minecraft I like mostly flat lands with a few bunches of trees and a mountain here and there. Not these epic and weird looking mountains I often see posted. Not long ago (as of posting this) 1.3 came out with the option to type in your own world seed for world generation. So I picked my usual Internet alias, PatricioINTP. And I got, literally, everything!

Below are pictures of what I have done so far. The first four is from my third base high up in the air. Often I play more to the explorer side, building bases near areas that look promising to mine, with a constant move forward except to build tall stacks of dirt, tree farms, and connect my bases with a wooden road.


This is the view towards the northwest, where I spawned and build my first base. Its location is approx (80.7, 79.6, -148.8) if you are using the PatricioINTP seed value.


To the northeast is desert. You can see a massive dune in the distance.


To the southeast is some snow! Seeing the hole there I am thinking of going there next when I am done with this third base of mine.


Southwest... meh.


This is a little south of my spawn point, showing that across the waters further west is mountainous terrain.


This is about where I spawned and built my first base. Its approx location: (-49.0, 66.6, -28.5)


I like to keep it simple.


A close up of my first tree farm just east of my base on the hill. I like to make a 3x4 grid of trees, 2 squares apart, with a border fence to grow and harvest wood.


A little north of my spawn point/base is a fairly good sized forest. It also seems my world have a lot of ponds slightly underground.


Heading to my second base. I did this after building it.


My second base, picked because this mountain had several openings into the same cave system. After making it, I opt to dig a tunnel west and up till I hit the surface, creating the connection a picture before this one.


The opening just north of my second base. I later exited from another near by hole. Its mazy but I didn't got far down. I may have missed a path or two. I rather have long, simple cave system than one that is small or spews in multiple directions.


My second tree farm. There was a area of flat land west of my second and third base and opt to create an extended tree farm because of it. Plus I really, really need the wood right now.


And finally, my third base plus, on the left, my next cave. It was a fairly good sized hole and twice spiders came out from it during the day wanting to suck my blood, only to get pacified by the sun. So I closed it in and locked it. I plan to explore this one, and when I exhaust or hate it, move to the northeast.